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Monday, May 18, 2015

Simple DIY command center

I kinda sorta liked this one, so I looked at the price tag…it was nearly $80 bucks! It’s just some plywood, chalkboard paint, trim and a basket. I bet I could make it for $15… probably less since I have most that stuff on hand.
So, I (of course) decided to make my own, more original, more useful  and more unique command center/mail sorter. It all started with an ugly blank wall and a random old frame I got a a garage sale…for free. I found it leaning up against the wall in a barn and asked “how much do you want for this?” And they said “I don’t even know what that is or why anyone would want it, so please, just take it.” And take it I did.

How to Paint Kitchen Cabinets (A step-by-step guide!)

If you’re in the market to paint your kitchen cabinets, you have come to the right place! I am sharing every single solitary step to a brand new space! While the actual priming and painting only took three days (can you say marathon painting?), reviving your kitchen cabinets will also require at least one solid day for prep, and at least one additional day to put everything back together. I took all day Friday to prep, primed and painted Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, and put everything back together all day Tuesday for a total of five days.  I am sharing my experience step-by-step. Feel free to skim over if you don’t need that much nitty gritty :)

WHO KNEW!! you print out words on basic white paper, but in mirror image form… lay them on the wood… with a damp paint brush wet the paper on top of the words… use the cap of a sharpie to rub on top of the letters to help them transfer … then remove the paper and stand in shock and awe!

First… I found a scrap of plywood from the garage and gave the side I was going to paint a rough sanding (just to smooth it out a bit).  You can see from the pic that it wasn’t very pretty, but all those flaws will make it look even better in the long run (ok I think we can make a deep life moment out of that statement).

Black-eyed Susan vine - you must plant one of these in your garden this year - it's the vine that keeps going strong all summer long

Nothing more to say about them except they are non-invasive and grow like weeds. Polite weeds that stay within their bounds.
They don’t run all over the place like some “loose” vines trying to spread their demon seed across the universe. Nope, they are just happy to bloom where they are planted.

How to remove calcium buildup

Today’s post isn’t very pretty.  It’s actually kind of gross.  Unless you like the sight of calcium build up.
I spent the better part of Wednesday deep cleaning our master bathroom.  When Brad came home from work he found me washing the walls.  Yeah, I went that far.